Keynotes & Distinguished Lectures
“xwlálámchexw, xwelálá:m, xwlalá:, xwlalámlha”
Plenary, Listening/Sound/Agency
SpokenWeb Symposium, Montreal July 2021
“shxwelítemelh síwel” Forthcoming
Keynote, 4th Symposium on Indigenous Arts in the Academy
University of Melbourne, December 2020
“shxwelí li te shxwelítemelh xíts’etáwtxw |
The Incarceration of Indigenous Life by Museums”
Keynote, ISEA 2020 Intenational Society for the Electronic Arts, October 2020
“st’ílem / song” [Cancelled, due to Coronavirus Pandemic]
Keynote, Canadian Cultural Studies Association. Simon Fraser University, May 2020
“xwélméxw / Indigenous”
Plenary, Modern Languages Association (MLA), Seattle, January 2020
“éy kws hákw’elestset te s’í:wes te siyolexwálh”
Keynote, Canadian University Music Society, University of British Columbia, June 2019
“t’itlem: Songs of Redress”
Orion Lecture in Indigenous Art, University of Victoria, October 2018
Conference Presentations
“t’itlem: Songs of Redress”
Orion Lecture in Indigenous Art, University of Victoria, October 2018
“t’itlem: Songs of Redress”
Orion Lecture in Indigenous Art, University of Victoria, October 2018
“t’itlem: Songs of Redress”
Orion Lecture in Indigenous Art, University of Victoria, October 2018
“t’itlem: Songs of Redress”
Orion Lecture in Indigenous Art, University of Victoria, October 2018
“t’itlem: Songs of Redress”
Orion Lecture in Indigenous Art, University of Victoria, October 2018
“t’itlem: Songs of Redress”
Orion Lecture in Indigenous Art, University of Victoria, October 2018
“t’itlem: Songs of Redress”
Orion Lecture in Indigenous Art, University of Victoria, October 2018